Capital Campaign 2024
A capital campaign is an extended fundraising effort to support the purchase, upgrade, or major repair of buildings, large equipment, and other capital expenses necessary for the growth and stability of the organization.
- APP: Text “URBANAUMC APP” to 77977 to download
- TEXT: Text “URBANAUMC”to 77977
- Envelope: Fill out envelope and drop in the baskets in the entrance or front of the sanctuary
- Mail: Mail check to 238 N Main St. Urbana OH 43078
You can modify your pledge at any time! Pledges are non-binding, but we do use these estimates to help us plan and proceed with the campaign, so please contact the church office to update your pledge amount so we can adjust our efforts accordingly.
It is always the right time to invest in growing God’s Kingdom! It’s natural to look at the world and think this might not be the best time for a capital campaign, but we feel led that the darkness and divisions you see all around are in fact the exact reason that we must invest in these projects without delay.
Waiting to raise the funds to do these vital repairs and renovations would only result in more costly projects down the road work and could signal that we do not have faith in God to provide and overcome the problems of this world.
No. All capital campaign funds will be designated exclusively to pay for repairs and renovations that support the preservation, presence, and progress of our local church.